Prayer for Today

September 2, 2020

Father, I am so grateful for all the beautiful things You’ve done for me. You brought me through some times in my life when I thought I’d never make it. You kept me from falling into the enemy’s hands, and if I’m honest, You’ve saved me from myself on more than a few occasions.

Difficult times have caused emotional baggage. I have built up walls and barriers to keep people out so that I don’t get hurt anymore. I’ve learned to lie to myself and others so that no one knows how much I ache inside, and I’ve even tried to convince You that I’m alright. But You know all things, even the deepest hurts that have controlled my life.

Father, today I turn my hurts over to You. I ask You to begin the healing process in my heart, mind, and spirit. I ask that You fill the cracks and creases that life has put in my heart and mind with Your word, Your love, Your peace, and Your mercy and grace.

Lord God, I need You. No one else can heal me. You alone are my healer, my God, my Lord, and my Savior. Rescue me, Lord, from my yesterday.

I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture references:

Isaiah 58:8                                         Jeremiah 8:22

II Chronicles 28:15                        Jeremiah 33:6

Proverbs 12:18                                 Matthew 4:23

Proverbs 13:17                                  Acts 3:16

Proverbs 15:4

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