October 10, 2019
Father, when we falter and fail, You come in and uphold us with Your righteous right hand. When we want to give up and throw in the towel because it seems our enemies have the upper hand, You lift up a standard against them and give us the victory.
Here we are again in need of Your guidance and Your help. There is so much trouble in our communities; an increase in heroin and other opioids addiction, spousal and mate abuse, and murder. The murder and abuse of our child and babies by other children and the adults who are supposed care for them. Father, we need You to intervene.
Father, help Your children to lift up the banner of love and peace for others. We need You to help us get out of the four walls of our homes and churches to intervene on behalf of the hungry, the naked, the lost, the addicted and the abused.
Lord God, help us do for others, what You’ve done for us; give them another chance for victory. Help us to show Your love to a world that is filled with hate. Help us to give peace in places that know no peace. Help us to be compassionate and loving to those who need it the most.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Psalm 36:7
Isaiah 59:19
Matthew 19:19
I Corinthians 16:14
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