December 20, 2016
Father, during this time of year, that we celebrate Jesus’ birthday, people are so giving. Looking for people, especially under privilege children, that we can give to so they can have a good holiday season. While this is good we need to remember that there are people in need of our help all year long.
In February, there will still be people in need to clothing. In May, there will be people in need of food. In June, there will be children in need of someone to support them to go to camp and in September, there will be public schools that need paper, pencils, class monitors and tutors.
Father, we shouldn’t become seasonal Christians and only work to meet the needs of other around Christmas time. Help us be like Christ, purposefully meeting the need of the lost, the least and the less than every day. In Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
John 12:8
Matthew 25:31-40
Living Above Mediocrity
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