Prayer for Today

January 27, 2015

Father, I have so many plans for 2015. I have some plans that seem so easy I can carry them out on my own. I have some plans that cause me to stop and say, “Can I really do this?” With you Lord God, I can do all things, but only with you. I cannot leave you out of the plans I have whether they seem easy or difficult. You are the one who has the ultimate control over all human activity.

Father, no matter what my plans are, I want you to direct my paths. I want you to get the glory from the execution of the plans. I want other people to know that my victories are because of the grace and mercy you have shown me. I want other people to know that if you made me victorious you’ll do the same thing for them because you don’t play favorites.

I know you work everything to its proper end. Help me not to become discouraged or dismayed while I wait on you to work everything out for my good. Help me remember you didn’t promise to work everything out the way I want it. You promised to work everything out for my good.

Father God, I commit my plans to you today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Proverbs 16:1 – 4

Philippians 4:13

Psalm 27:14

Romans 8:28



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