From the book: It’s Still Relative (The Word of God for Today’s World)
“You are my friends if you do what I command.” John 15:14
There is a song by Walter Hawkins that says, “If you ever need a friend that sticks closer than any brother I recommend Jesus, Jesus because he’s that kind of friend. He will never, never forsake you. Even though he every thing there is to know about you. I recommend Jesus, Jesus because he’s that kind of friend.”
Friends have things in common. Shared interest like shopping, cooking, sports or books. There is something that causes them to be drawn together – hence they get to know each other and begin to share. Out of that sharing a friendship emerges.
Over time a simple association turns into a friendship, which turns into a closer relationship until there forms a mutual level of knowledge about each others character traits, like and dislikes. You get to know each others concerns, strengths and weaknesses.
Jesus gave us the ability to have a friendship with God. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit so we can have a relationship with a Holy God. Jesus gave us righteousness so we have that trait in common with the Righteous God. Jesus gave us the mind of Christ so we can understand the secrets of God’s words and live in His truths. Jesus came to give us eternal life, so we can live with our friend, God, forever.
Jesus does not lessen God so He can be our friends. When we accept Jesus as our savior, he elevates us so we can become friends of God. Jesus gives us everything we need; holiness, righteousness, peace, love, joy, self-control, etc. so that we have the traits of God and can take on his characteristics.
Jesus didn’t come to compromise God so that we can live anyway we want and still call ourselves Christians. Jesus did not come to lower God’s standards to the world’s standards. NO! Jesus came to elevate us to God’s will for our lives.
Are you living up to your friendship with God?