Prayer for Today

March 11, 2020

Lord God, I know that You use struggle as a teaching tool to help me develop into who You want me to be in the future. When I struggle with adversity and obstacles that life throws at me, I am developing the character, morals, ethics, and faith that I will need in the next phase of my life.

Father, You have the ultimate plan for my life; You are the master architect, and I am under construction. Sometimes I struggle to understand what You are doing, what’s Your purpose for taking me through difficulties, and how my struggle is going to make me a better person. Your plan isn’t not making sense, and so, I struggle to be obedient. But, because I love Lord, I continue to struggle.

Lord, when I’m ready to give up, remind me through the struggle I am building spiritual muscle. I am building spiritually muscular arms with which I’ll do battle. I’m building spiritually muscular legs so I can walk out my purpose. I strengthening my spiritual heart and, sooner or later, I’ll look at my spiritual life and know that it’s vastly different then it was before.

Lord God, Your plans are never easy, but they always achieve Your desired results. Help me to be diligent in my struggle. I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture references:

Jeremiah 29:11

Romans 5:3 – 5

I Corinthians 10:13

II Corinthians 12:9 – 10

Philippians 4:13

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