January 21, 2020
Father, I see the changes that I have instituted in my life. Things I knew needed to change from last year to this year. The changes I am making are designed to make me a better person, a better Christian, a better parent, a better spouse and a better friend.
Lord God, today give me the strength and the courage to be me. Help me not to compromise who I am or what I stand for in an effort to go get along with others. Help me stand for the truth, whether it’s popular or not. Let me be willing to speak what is right, in love, so that others may see there is another way of thinking. Let me stand firm with what is true, what is right and what is perfect in Your sight tattooed on my lips and in my heart, not willing to give in to the lies or evil intent of others.
God, when I’m willing to compromise, or I’m ready to give up, remind me that it is my responsibility to fulfill Your plan and purpose for my life; You don’t change Your plan for my life just because I don’t find it convenient. I am accountable for the actions, plans and purposes that You have laid out for me. You predestined me to do Your will. It is my responsibility to stay in line with Your will for my life.
Father in a world that has so many people willing to do anything to get ahead, today and every day, help me to stand on the morals, ethics and the truth that You laid as a foundation for my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Scripture References:
Psalm 46:1 – 3
Philippians 4:8
II Corinthians 6:14 (Message Bible)
Proverbs 19:21
II Thessalonians 2:14 – 15