January 21, 2019
Lord, I’m praying for all furloughed government workers and those who have been reduced to slave labor by being mandated to work without pay.
Father, your children have financial needs. Some are making decisions as critical as for whether they can buy food for their families or paying their rent because they can’t do both. They are deciding between paying for lifesaving medication and keeping a roof over their heads. No matter what their financial needs are Father, meet their needs.
I know our government leaders are just that, government leaders but, the totality of the government rest on the shoulders, the place of carrying leadership, rest on the shoulders of Jesus. The president doesn’t carry the government. Congress doesn’t carry the government. Jesus, the author, perfecter and finisher of our faith, carries every aspect of the government.
We thank you for caring for us, protecting us and overseeing every aspect of our world. In Jesus name, we pray.
Scripture references:
Proverbs 19:17
Matthew 5:16
Luke 6:38
Philippians 2:14
Hebrews 13:16
I John 3:1`7
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