January 11, 2019
Father, there are so many things going on in the world that distract me. They cause me to look away from you and, before I know it, I have allowed the distractions to effect my relationship with you and pull me away from following your path for my life.
I find myself more involved with the distraction than being involved with the assignments you have given me. I find that I’m spending more time dealing with the distraction than the time I spend with you in bible study and prayer. Forgive me!
Please sanctify me with your truth. Your word is the truth. Your word is Jesus, who is the truth of my life.
Today I am determined to get on/stay on track. I am going to put my priorities in their proper order:
1. My relationship with you through Christ Jesus;
2. Fulfilling the assignments, you’ve given me;
3. Taking responsibility for everything you have given me to steward over.
Honestly Father, if I just set out every day to do just these three things, I won’t be distracted because these efforts will take all my time. Father, help me focus, prioritize and accomplish.
In Jesus name. Amen!
Scripture References:
John 1:14
John 17:17
Hebrews 12:1 – 2
Philippians 3:10 – 12
Colossians 3:23 – 24
Genesis 1:28
Titus 1:7 – 8
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