Prayer for Today


December 27, 2017

Father, as I take time to look over this year, I realize I need to ask your forgiveness. I didn’t focus on you as I should have and I didn’t focus on the goodness or the kindness you showed me every day.

I was focused on the things of this world – my financial shortfalls, the things I wanted that didn’t come my way. I focused on what I don’t have much more than I focused on the good you provided to me. For this, I am sorry and ask for your forgiveness.

Lord, in 2018 I commit to being more thankful. I will be thankful for your love, goodness and provisions. I may not have everything I want, but you promised to supply my needs, not my greed. I may not have what I think someone else has, but I know you have my best interest at heart. I may not be able to accomplish everything I think I want to, but you will help me accomplish everything you purpose me to do.

Lord, I commit to focusing on you; your love and mercy you show me and my family. I will purpose to be in a position of praising you for everything I have every day, and I will not complain as much as I did this year. I will allow your grace and mercy to speak out of my life and into the world so that people can come to know you for themselves.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Scripture References:

Philippians 4:19
Hebrews 12:28 – 29
Ephesians 2:4 – 5
I John 1:9
Numbers 23:19
Romans 12:2

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