Prayer for Today

November 8, 2017

Father in the midst of all that is going on in my life I want to stop long enough to say thank you. Thank you for being my rock on which I can stand when I’m weak. Thank you for being my shield of protection when the world wants to assail me. Thank you for being my hope when I look at what seems like hopeless situations. Thank you for being my guide in the middle of a pathless world.

Thank you for always being there even when I feel lonely. Thank you for caring about me when I didn’t like who I was. Thank you watching over my loved ones because I can’t be there, and truthfully, even if I was there I may not be able to do anything about what’s going on.

Thank you for standing in the gap for me. Thank you for overlooking my faults, shortcomings and deficits and loving me anyway.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture reference:
Psalm 136:26





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