Prayer for the Today


November 9, 2017

My heart cried out to you oh Lord, and in the midst of my sadness, uncertainty and inward war you answered me from your holy hill. You saw me and you comforted me. You bowed down to lift me up. You engaged my enemies of fear, uncertainty and hopelessness and you won.

Church shootings, school shootings, spouses killing spouses, parents abusing children young people committing suicide and children being bullied by other people play out before us every day. The 24-hour news cycle keeps the evil of people’s hearts ever before us. It’s enough to make our hearts sink into despair.

My hope in you is not misplaced. My belief in you is not misplaced. You care for me and have done so all the days of my life. I am assured of your unfailing love for me and I know you will respond to my trust in you by comforting my heart and mind.

Men may have positions, but it is you that delegates authority. Men may have a say, but you have the last word. Men may plot and scheme against me, but it is your plan that will never fail. My praise goes to you all day long, for you are my God and King!

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture reference:
II Samuel 22 I Peter 1:13
Matthew 7:21 – 23 Revelation 21:8
Romans 12:12
Romans 15:13

© Copy written material




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