April 13, 2017
Lord, today we commemorate Maundy Thursday. This is the day we remember the torture Jesus took on our behalf, even before he went to the cross.
We remember that Jesus was so distressed that he cried blood in the garden as he prayed for this cup to pass from him but resolved, “not my will but your will be done.” We remember this was the day that Judas Iscariot betrayed him for silver. We remember how all his disciples deserted him to save their lives, even though he was going to die to save their eternal lives. We remember Peter denied him three times before the sun rose on Friday morning.
Father we thank you for your son and all he took on our behalf even before he was crucified. We ask that you forgive us for the times we’ve betrayed our relationship with him so we could fit in with the world. We ask you to forgive us for deserting Jesus when we should be standing up for what is right, but we were trying to save our friendship with the world system. Please forgive us for all the times our actions denied our relationship with Jesus.
Father, as we commemorate this day, help us commit to not betray, desert or deny Jesus any more. Help us stand for what is right even when it’s not popular. Help us to be more like Jesus. In your sons’ name, we pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Matthew 26
Living Above Mediocrity
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