February 29, 2016
Living Life Above Mediocrity
There is nothing worse than getting in your vehicle, turning the key and nothing happens. Something has drained the battery and you can’t go anywhere because there’s no power to ignite the engine. The same thing happens to us when we stop relying on God and start relying on things of the world, usually money. We neglect to charge our spiritual life battery with prayer and the word of God because we’ve stopped relying on God and started relying on money.
Mediocrity says: “I don’t have time to pray, develop my relationship with God through Christ, read my bible or go to Bible study because I need to work a double shift, I need to work over time or I need to work another job. God knows, He understands that I need the money more than I need to pray right now.”
Above mediocrity says: “My God will supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. I do not have to wear myself out getting rich by the world standards. God knows I have need for these things and if I seek Him first, He will add everything else I need.” (Philippians 4:19; Proverbs 23:4; Matthew 6:33; Hebrews 13:5)
During this Lenten Season let’s purpose to put our reliance where it belongs; on God! Relying on anything other than Him is a waste of our energy and time! It’s time to recharge our spiritual batteries!
Living above mediocrity,
Min. Anita Wamble
(c) Copy written material