Word for Today

May 5, 2020

This morning at 5:30, I walked into my home office and looked out the window into pitch blackness. I couldn’t see anything. Not my neighbors’ home next door, not my backyard. Nothing.

I started to read my Bible and looked up again at 5:42. Out of the window, I could see the roofline of the house next door, the sky had started to brighten, and I could see the outline of the trees in my backyard.

The morning stillness that was dawning in-front of my eyes was broken by gently swaying trees. The silence of the morning was now bursting into song with the tweeting of the birds.

God calls out the morning, the change of the sky, the blowing of the wind, and the chirping of the birds, as He sees fit. He calls each morning out differently, just like He calls His children’s lives forth in different ways.

It’s now 5:48, and I can see the side of my neighbor’s house, the clouds in the sky, and the outline of the trees standing majestically against the cloudy background. In just 18 minutes, God changed the morning sky from pitch black to bright enough to see the dawning of a new day. What had been 18 minutes ago will never be again.

God does the same for us. Just when we think we’ll never see the light of day again, God begins to brighten our lives with His truth, His love, His mercy, and His grace. Once God begins to change things in our lives, they will never be the same again. We are experiencing the dawning of a new day in our lives, and we should cherish it.

Don’t take it for granted. Stop and enjoy the new days in your life as God unfolds them, and don’t try to drag the past into your new day. What was will never be again, and it will not fit into the newness in which God is taking you.

© Copywritten material












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