Word for Today

Get out of the Pigeonhole

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. A man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”’ I Samuel 16:7 (NIV)

David was a shepherd boy, and in the eyes of his father and his brothers, that was all he was ever going to be. When Samuel came looking for the next king of Israel, David wasn’t even called to come from the fields to be inspected by Samuel until all his brothers had been rejected by God Then, God instructed Samuel to ask for David.

People judge us by how they see us; our hair, complexion, our size, height, weight, how we carry ourselves and our clothes. We are also judged by our reputations, what people have heard about us before they’ve even met us.

We judge others, and sometimes we judge ourselves, by our outward appearance. We judge other people by their outward appearance because we can’t judge the heart. We judge ourselves by our outward appearance because we don’t esteem who God created us to be; God created us to be our authentic selves nor some carbon copy of the world standards.

People want to pigeonhole us, just like David’s father and brothers wanted to pigeonhole him. They want us to conform to what they think we should look like, think and act. But God doesn’t put people in boxes. God does not require that we all follow the same formula.

Look around you, and you’ll see that God loves diversity! There are singers, music composers, administrative executives, engineers and daycare providers. There are secretaries, computer programmers, doctors, and teachers. The list of vocations goes on and on and, in every vocation, there are Europeans, White Americans, African Americans, Asians, Middle Easterners, and other ethnic groups. Some are tall, some are short, some are thin, and some are full figured.

Whatever you are, you are the right one for the purpose God has given you! Are you sitting still and allowing your eternity to eat away at your spirit person because you don’t think you measure up? Only you can answer that question.

Prayer: Lord, you designed me for a specific purpose. I may not look like the “typical” person who does what you’ve called me to do, but I’m still the right person for the job because you said I am. Help me to move beyond my own fears and concerns and move into your purpose for my life. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Just for Today: I will start pulling myself out of the pigeonhole I’ve put myself into.

Quote: “I embrace my blackness, just as I do my conservatism and my Christianity, but I don’t want to be defined or pigeonholed by any one of the many elements that make up my character.” – J. C. Watts

© Copywritten material




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