Little Becomes Much – Part II
II Kings 4:1 – 7
“Elisha replied to her, ’How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?’ ‘“’Your servant has nothing there at all,’” she said, “’except a small jar of olive oil.”’”
Extraordinary Not Necessary
All of us have gifts, talents and abilities that we perceive as “little” or “ordinary”. We belittle or berate our gifts, talents and abilities because we have not placed the same value on them that God has placed on them. We don’t think our gifts, talents and abilities are worth placing in the Master’s hand because in our estimation, they’re not enough to be bothered with.
We may have tried to walk into our destiny and fallen. We may have told our friends and families what the Lord has placed on our hearts and they discourage us. We may have decided that we’re going to step out on faith and fulfill our God’s call on our lives, just to be met with rejection.
No amount of adversity should be viewed as a reason to give up and, no gift that God has placed in us should be left untapped. For just a moment, let’s look at some people in the Bible who had a problem or two, but were still found fit to serve God:
• Moses stuttered and was a murderer.
• David was too young, his armor didn’t fit, he had an affair and sent a man to die.
• Timothy had ulcers.
• Jacob was a liar, a cheat and a thief.
• Solomon was too rich.
• Jesus was too poor.
• Abraham was too old.
• Lazarus was dead.
No matter what difficulties you may have had or how far you’ve fallen, if you’re willing to try again, walk in obedience to God and follow his lead, you are exactly who God wants to use to do the extraordinary by being ordinary.
Lord, help me to forgive myself. Help me to put my past behind me and move forward with what you have for me. I know that I’ve blown it on many levels but, I also know that you have positioned me to win; in this life and my eternal life. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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