Prayer For Today
Father, I will not just live, I will thrive and prosper beyond the normal.

Plug into the power of prayer

October 26, 2015

Father, Your word says that You sent Your son Jesus to give us life and that we would have life more abundantly through Him. Too often I find myself living a life of lack of the things that really matter. I find myself living a life that lacks peace of mind, joy, contentment and peace. I find myself complaining about what I don’t have, what I didn’t get and what I can’t do, rather than thinking about and being grateful for what You’ve given me, allowed me to obtain and Your favor that rest on my life. Forgive me for taking for granted all the great and wonderful things You’ve made available to me that I don’t take advantage of on a regular basis.

Father, I will not just live, I will thrive and prosper beyond the normal. Not thriving and prosper in just material things, but thriving and prosper in the things that will make me a better person; a better child to my parents, a better parent to my children, a better husband or wife to my spouse and a better child to You.

I will prosper by reading Your word, praying to You on a regular basis, obeying Your word and being diligent in doing the things I know are right.

I will live above the fray of mediocrity. I will live with my mind on things I can do to help the world be a better place and with my mind steadfast on You. I will not live beneath my spiritual blessings, which You have provided for me through Christ Jesus. I will live in the overflow and outpouring of Your love. I will not live just getting by but I will live standing on Your promises to me, Your child. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

John 6:35 – 40                 Numbers 23:19 – 20

John 10:10                          Philippians 3:16

III John 2

Galatians 3:14

Psalm 145:13

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