Last week we had technical problems that prevented the prayers from being emailed. If you would like to see the emails from last week, you can log-on to
May 4, 2020
Father God, today is good a day to begin to renew my mind in Your word. I have not been diligent in pursuing You, and I have not guarded the time I’ve set aside to spend with You. I have used the time I should spend with You to sleep, talk to friends, go shopping, surf the web, almost anything else other than spending time with You. Please forgive me.
Lord, I know that spending time with You is more than throwing my “want” list at Your feet and running away to do what I want to do. Spending quality time with You means the plans of my day may be changed after I receive direction from You. It indicates how I feel about something, or someone may change because I want to please and obey You more than I want or need.
Father, renew my mind and restore a right spirit in me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Scripture reference:
Psalms 51:10
Romans 12:2
Ephesians 1:6 – 8
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