Prayer for Today

April 7, 2020

Lord, this is the week of Christ’s passion. On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem, being welcomed with shouts of “Hosanna.” By Thursday, these same people were yelling, “Crucify Him.” Human beings are fickled creatures, Lord. I don’t know how You can love us so much.

One minute we’re praising Your name, but the next minute we’re afraid of what tomorrow may bring. One minute we’re touting Your greatness, but the next minute we’re concerned if we can trust Your word.

Lord, help our unbelief. We want to believe every word You say is true, but sometimes it’s difficult in the face of our current realities. We want to stand firm, believing Your word no matter what, but with death, dismay, and disease around us constantly, doubt creeps in and causes our hearts to sink.

Father God, have mercy on those who doubt. Mount a stronghold around the heart of those who are anxious, depressed, or feel unsure about what’s next. Lord, help our unbelief. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalm 34:4

Isaiah 41:10

Mark 9:23 – 25

I John 4:18

Jude 1:22

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