Prayer for Today

September 26, 2019

Lord, I thank You for every day You give me. Your grace and mercy are sufficient for me every day, but yesterday was a day I would like not to repeat. It seemed like trouble pressed in on every side, and no matter how much I tried; things just didn’t go my way. There wasn’t a “thing” that took place that made it a less than optimum day; just everything went wrong.

I have learned that I don’t live by what I see or feel, but I live knowing that the Victor lives in me. I live knowing that everything works together for my good; even when it doesn’t feel good or look good, the situation or the circumstance is for my good.

Lord, I turn today over to You. No matter what You do, it will be perfect because You only give perfect gifts, and every day is a gift from You to me. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalm 118:24

II Corinthians 12:9

Psalm 37:1-3

Romans 8:28

James 1:17

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