August 20, 2019
Father God, too often, I let the cares of the world stop me from taking care of myself. I don’t exercise the way I should because I spend too much time working or taking care of things that someone else wants me to do. I don’t drink enough water, but I give into my body’s craving for something sweet. I don’t eat like I should because I want something fast and convenient.
It’s not that I don’t have the time, it’s that I don’t take the time to take care of myself because I allow the pressures of outside forces to run my life instead of taking control of my time.
Lord, forgive me. I know my body is Your temple. I know my body is the only vehicle You’ve given me to get through this life. Today, Lord, I ask for You help to take control of my time. I want a balanced life so that I’m not driven by outside forces.
Father God, help me set the right priorities and say “no” to things that are truly are not my responsibility. Help me to help other people grow by not doing for them what they can do for themselves. Help me, Lord God to see what you sent me to do versus what I just went to do. Free me from the bondage of too much stuff and liberate me from being overburdened. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen
Scripture references:
I Corinthians 6:19
Mark 4:19
Ephesians 5:29
Matthew 11:29
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