June 5, 2019
Lord God, as I move out of my spiritual rut and allow You to guide me into what’s next for me, help me to uphold your standard of love. Help me to view everyone through the lens of Matthew 22:37 – 40.
I want to be able to show Your love to every neighbor I have, whether I like them or not, regardless of their lifestyle, race, creed, religious background or faith walk because You didn’t give a caveat when you said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This means everyone is my neighbor, and I am to love everyone the way I love myself.
Loving Your and loving my neighbor as myself are the two greatest commandments. If I can master these commandments, everything else will fall into place.
Lord, I pray this prayer with a sincere heart, in Jesus name. Amen.
Scripture references:
Deuteronomy 6:5, 7:9
Matthew 22:37 – 40
Mark 12:30 – 31
II Thessalonians 3:5
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