April 11, 2019
Lord God, sometimes I lose focus on what I’m supposed to do. You did not put me in the places where I am so I can be stagnant, sit still and grow old and stale. You’ve placed me in my family, my church, my job and community to be the fresh, living water so others can see you through me.
My job is to refresh people with living water, which is the word of God. My job is to help other people clean the dirt and grime of this world from their eyes, so they can see the road that God has laid out before them. I’m to help them clean their ears so they can hear your voice over all the clamming noise of the world.
My goal is to help others clear out old thought processes and help them with a new way of thinking that comes in line with your word.
Lord, help me take my proper place as a bubbling brook of life refreshing and life-affirming word. Help me as I lead others to Jesus, who is the water we can drink from and never thirst again. I ask these things in Jesus name and unto his glory. Amen.
Scripture References:
John 4:13 – 14
Ephesians 5:26
Revelation 7:17
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