Prayer for Today

Father, I keep saying to want to change things that are going on in my life. Real change can only come through a change of my mind-set. Changing my mind-set will change every aspect of my life. I ask that you help me as I let go of the past; my old way of thinking and doing things, and move into a new way of thinking today.

Father, I am accustomed to doing things a certain way because I am use to thinking a certain way. Help me as I submit to the changes in my mind-set and my thought process, which you are going to usher into my life. Lord, I’m accustom to reacting certain ways. Help me to allow you to show me new ways to go about my daily life so that I can become the new creation You have called me to become and leave my old actions where they belong; in my past.

In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

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