Prayer for Today

January 28, 2015

Father, there are days I set back and watch evil, mean-spirited people prosper while good people struggle. These are the days I wonder what you’re doing. Don’t you see? Don’t you care?

It seem so unfair that people who are mean, hateful, under handed and liars get away with so much while the good people who deserve more don’t get what they need. I know the evil people get their pay back in eternity and the good people get their reward in eternity but we live in the here and now.

I know that your plans stand firm forever and the purpose of your heart is through all generations. I know that the righteous should not get angry, indignant or be envious of evil people but I see their plans prospering while the plans of the righteous languish on the vines of life. I just don’t understand! What about the good people plans? What about our hopes and dreams?

Even though I see all of these things, I will trust in you and I will do good. I will be thankful for what you’ve already given me. I will delight myself in you and I will wait while you complete your plan to give me the desires of my heart. I will wait on you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalm 33:11

Psalm 37:1 – 4Prayer



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