Prayer for Today

November 7, 2017

Father, the more I try, it seems to get harder and harder to stay focused on your promises. I have to work to stay steadfast in your ways. Life has taken some difficult turns that I didn’t anticipate and I’ve been left feeling lost and frustrated, seemingly without remedy.

Then I remember that nothing catches you off guard. Nothing flies beneath your radar. You are aware of everything that’s going to happen; when, where and how, so I come to your throne room today laying my burdens at your feet and say, “here, I don’t want them anymore. I’ve tried everything I know, and still nothing works. I am casting all my cares upon you because I know you care for me.”

I won’t pick up my worries, concerns, problems or issues. From this day forward, they belong to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalms 55:22
I Peter 5:7
Matthew 11:28 – 30

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