February 10, 2016
Father God, one of the definitions of consistency in Merriam-Webster dictionary is, “agreement or harmony of parts or features to one another or a whole. The ability to be asserted together without contradiction.” (I John 2:3 – 11; Titus 2:7 – 8; I Corinthians 15:58)
Starting today Lord, I want my words and my actions to be consistent, working in harmony with one another. I want my words and my actions to move me towards my destiny and purpose in You. (Romans 8:29 – 30)
A lot of people talk a good game but don’t put any effort into what You have called them to do. I don’t want to be like them. I am going to do what You called, appointed and choose me to do. I will not be a mere hearer of the word You have spoken over my life but, I will be a doer of the word. (James 2:22 – 25). In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Romans 8:29 – 30
I Corinthians 15:58
Titus 2:7 – 8
James 2:22 – 25
I John 2:3 – 11
Living above mediocrity
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