December 8, 2020
Lord, sometimes it’s hard for me to push past the words of the world system; the advertisers, politicians, co-workers, family, and friends, and what they say about me. I hear their voices and, sometimes, I believe I’m inadequate and incapable of doing what You’ve told me to do.
At times I look in the mirror, and I agree with their assessment of me that I’m too something: too young, old, fat, skinny, ugly, pretty, or just too much. Then, I remember I’m made in Your image and Your likeness and am reminded that I am perfect just the way You made me.
Nothing the world system says should change how I view myself. I am made perfect in You. Nothing that my family and friends say should change how I view myself because You made me perfect for the tasks, roles, and work that You have assigned for me to carry out.
Thank You, Lord, for reminding me of how great and perfect You made me. Thank You for letting me see that in a world that celebrates the superficial and unreality reality. You still want me to be an authentic person. You made me just right to fulfill Your purpose in my life. Thank You for choosing me with all my perfect imperfections to show the world Your greatness by what I do and how I treat others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Genesis 1:26 – 27
Psalm 139:13 – 16
Ephesians 2:10
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