July 23, 2020
Lord God, Your words say money answers all things. Your word also says that we should keep ourselves from the love of money, which means we need to have a balanced view of the value of money. Lord, due to the pandemic, people have lost their jobs, have had their hours cut, or have had to close their businesses. Our prayer for their financial wellness is not about greed; it’s about their need for financial help.
Father, we are not asking for financial blessings for those in need so they can get rich. We are praying for their financial wellbeing because some people are losing their homes. We are praying about other people’s money problems, not out of greed or love of material gain, but because they have received massive medical bills because You delivered them from COVID-19. Still, now, they have to pay for the medical treatment they received.
We know that You will not leave us, nor forsake us. We also know that You wish, above all, that we would prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper. Lord God, open the floodgates and bless people with the funds they need to sustain their families. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Ecclesiastes 10:19
I Timothy 6:10
Hebrews 13:5
III John 2
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