August 6, 2016
Father, I know so many people who are suffering financially right now. I know for some people their financial problems are their own making; over spending, using their credit cards without a plan or a thought and being a glutton when it comes to material things.
For others Lord, their financial problems came about because of loss of job, downsized salary, college for their children, or maybe for themselves, divorce or illness. No matter the reason for the financial stress and stretch they find themselves in, I pray that You will deliver them out of everyone.
We know when we go after money rather than coming after You, and Your will for our lives, we show a love of money, which is the root of all evil. This is because we know that You will supply all our needs according to the riches of Your glory in Jesus Christ. We know that Your word says that money answers all things, but we are to seek Your kingdom first, and everything else we need will be added to us.
Father, in the midst of the financial pressures that Your people are experiencing, please help us stay focused on You and Your will for our lives. Our hope is in You. We need You to be true to Your word and provide us as only You can. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Ecclesiastes 10:19
I Timothy 6:10
Philippians 4:19
Matthew 6:33
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