Prayer for Today

June 23, 2020

Lord God, I have been feeding my spirit person more news of Presidential rallies, protesters, dissenters and, hateful actions and speech more than I’ve been feeding my spirit person Jesus. Forgive me.

Just like my body has an adverse reaction to a bad diet, my spirit person is having an adverse reaction to the spiritual food I have allowed to flow through my eye-gates and ear-gates that are harmful to my soul. Father God, heal me.

I have been taking the easy way, turn on the television, and let the world system feed me what it wants. No more, Lord! I am taking back my responsibility to use Your word as a lamp until my feed and a light to my path.

 I’m responsible for what I put in my mouth to fuel my physical body; I am responsible for what flows into my spirit to feed my spiritual life. I take back my responsibility. Help me Lord to treat my spiritual being with the love, respect, and reverence it deserves at all times. 

This is my heartfelt and earnest desire. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Job 23:12 Colossians 3:16

Jeremiah 15:16 I Peter 2:2

Matthew 4:4

John 17:17

Romans 10:17

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