January 20, 2015
Father, I feel like a fish out of water today. The place where you currently have me is not where I had planned to be. It is uncomfortable. I feel out-of-place and out of sorts.
There is nothing I can do to change where I am. I didn’t bring myself to this place and I can’t remove myself from where I am. Only you Father God can move me. I understand that you have positioned me in this place to force me to trust in you and you alone.
I thought I was trusting only in you before but know I realize I wasn’t. I was trusting in my marriage, my job, my bank account, my retirement plan, my stock portfolio or any number of other things in the world system. Please forgive me.
I can’t lean on or depend on my own understanding because I really don’t know what’s going on. I want to yell, “why me?” but that won’t help. Father, I want you to tell me what I have to do to get out of this situation so I can get back to my “normal” life. But I have learned that you love me too much to rush me through a lesson. The truth is I belong to you. I was purchased with the life of Jesus. You can use me as you see fit because my life is yours.
You know what is best for me and I know I have to trust that as my truth not just a saying. I have to truth you. Father, help my unbelief. In Jesus name. Amen.
Scripture references:
Jeremiah 10:23
Job 32:25 – 29
Proverbs 3:5 – 6
Proverbs 20:24
Mark 9:24
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