April 17, 2015
Lord, thank you for the history I have with You. You have been with me from the beginning and You appointed everything in my life. My birth and all the circumstances surrounding it, where I lived, where I went to school, who I married, my children; everything about me was appointed by You. Every turn in my life has Your fingerprints on it. There is nothing about me that You don’t know.
Lord sometimes I feel my life is floundering or spiraling out of control. Father, help me remember my life was set apart by Your will for me, and everything that You ordained for me shall come to pass.
Lord, help me not to view hardships, trials or tribulations as permanent; thereby causing me to deal with the problem as a permanent fixture in my life. Help me to view the difficulty with a Godly wisdom; knowing that You allowed the situation or circumstance I am facing to come into my life to make me more like Your son, Jesus Christ.
Lord, don’t allow me to forget that each difficulty I face will work for my good because I love You and You have called me to Your royal order. Remind me that I have already overcome every obstacle that will confront me because I am in Christ and He has already overcome the world.
Thank You Lord for helping me to see with spiritual eyes that I do not have to worry about life or body, for You have already prepared a plan to take care of my every need. A plan to prosper me not to hurt me – You are my hope and my future. Lord your Word is my assurance that You are with me always, even to the end of time. I pray in Jesus matchless name. Amen.
Scripture References:
Leviticus 20:26 John 16:33
Psalms 139:13 – 16 Philippians 2:1 – 8
Jeremiah 1:5 Romans 8:28
Jeremiah 29:11 Philippians 2:1 – 8
Matthew 6:25 – 30 I Peter 2:9 – 10
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