Prayer for Today

October 2, 2019

Lord, Your grace is sufficient to sustain me through my day. There is so much going on sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Then, I think about Your goodness, kindness, and mercy, and I realize that You will see me through this episode of my life just as You have seen me through so many other episodes and chapters in my life.

When I look at current situations and circumstances in my life, I say “there’s no way I’m going to make it,” just then I remember what is impossible with man is possible with God, because with God all things are possible. So, Father, today, I will purpose to cast all my cares upon You because I know You care for and about me.

You will work out everything for my good. I will not worry or fret anymore. I will just believe in You and Your ability to do more than I can ask, think or even imagine. I wait with great anticipation of what You are going to do in my life. I know Your will to do me good and not to harm me, with manifest at the correct time, if I don’t grow weary of doing good.  

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

II Corinthians 12:9                        Matthew 19:26               

2 Chronicles 6:40-42                   Psalm 55:22

Psalm 57:1                                          I Peter 5:7

Micah 6:8                                           Romans 8:28

I Peter 2:10                                        John 14:27

Psalm 42:8                                         Ephesians 3:20

                                                                II Chronicles 20:17

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