September 2, 2019
Father, there is one promise that You made that I don’t’ like. You promised that in this life, we would have trouble. So many people’s lives seem to be filled with this promise right now.
The good news is You also told us to take heart because You, through the finished work of Christ, have overcome the world. This means that if we are in You and Your word is in us; we have overcome the world too. Therefore, we are more than a conqueror because of our relationship with God through Christ.
No matter what happens in the upcoming week, we will be a success because we have overcome the world system. We do not think like the world because we have the mind of Christ. We do not allow the things of this world to turn our mind away from the knowledge of our success.
This week we will proclaim our success with our words and actions.In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
John 16:33
John 15:7
Proverbs 16:3
I Chronicles 22:13
I Corinthians 2:16
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