July 15, 2019
Lord, You did not say that life would always be easy. You didn’t say that all the
roads ahead of me would be straightforward and a breeze to walk. You didn’t say
that sometimes I wouldn’t feel lonely and all alone. But You did say, you’d be
with me always, even to the end of time.
Lord God, I thank You for being with me even when I don’t see You, hear You or
feel You. Thank You for hearing my cry even before I utter a word. Thank You
for giving me hope, joy, and peace in the midst of a world filled with turmoil,
malice, and discontent.
Lord God, let the light of Your love shine through me today so people in my
world may see Your love, goodness, mercy, and grace in my life. In the name of
Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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