Prayer for Today

December 5, 2018

Lord God, in the midst of all that is going on in my place of business, my home, my community and in my church, please help me stay focused on you. Help me remember you are always in control. Nothing can hurt me, harm me or cause me distress if I stay under the protective covering of your loving arms.

If I stay in your word and hold on to it with all my might, I will never be defeated. Oh, things may not go my way, but I will not be defeated. I may have what is perceived as setbacks, but I will never be defeated and I shall not fail.

There are nothing and no one who can intimidate me and make me doubt you or myself. I am whole, well and complete in you. Others may question my abilities but I won’t because I know I am completely confident in my abilities and capabilities because you are absolutely competent. My confidence doesn’t lie in me, but rather it lies in what I can accomplish by being obedient to you and holding on to your word in my life.

So today, I speak your word over my life and say I am more than able to face and conquer anything that arises in my life or in the life of my family. I am already victorious through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Scripture references:
Deuteronomy 33:27        Hebrews 13:5 – 6
Psalms 18:32                        II Corinthians 3:5
I Corinthians 2:9
Psalms 91:1
I John 5:14

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