Prayer for Today

August 30, 2018

Father I thank you for the people in my life that rub me the wrong way. I call them “Sandpaper People” because they are rough and difficult to deal with but I understand they have a very special job. Their job is to rub off my rough edges and bring me to a place of being perfected in you.

Lord today help me bear with my Sandpaper People with love and rejoicing, not anger and resentment. Help me not to run from them, but to see them as the blessing they are; without them I can’t grow, mature or become what you created me to be for the Kingdom of God.

Dealing with my Sandpaper People is a challenge for me because they do their job well. They get on my nerves! But, I realize that they are a part of your plan to help me reach a new level of faith, knowledge and maturity in you. They are an important component to my being made perfect in you; which is my ultimate goal.
Lord, help me deal with my Sandpaper People in an appropriate way today in order to give you glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:
II Samuel 22:31 – 33
Ephesians 4:12 – 13
I Thessalonians 5:15

© Copy written material



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