April 18, 2018
Lord, the core foundation of all human life is: to love God first. When we lay another foundation, we cannot live our lives to the fullness you desire for us. We were created to be in fellowship with you. We were created to be in sync with you. We were created to have you as the center of our faith walk. We were created by you and for you.
Lord, my intention is to walk with you. My intention is to follow you. My intention is to allow my life to glorify you. My intention is to fulfill your purpose for my life. My intention is to help others to find their intention in you, but I can only do this, if my intention is to put your word, your will and your directions for me first in my life.
When you created me, Lord God, you created a plan for me. A plan for me to prosper and be in good health, even as my soul prospers. A plan for me to live an abundant life. Starting today, I purpose to seek you and an intentional life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Deuteronomy 6:5
Psalm 139:13
Jeremiah 29:11
I John 1:3
III John 2
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