Prayer for Today

March 30, 2018

Father, I began this Lenten Season as a journey to know you better. Some days I stayed the course, other days I stayed away allowing other things to distract me from my journey. No matter what, I learned that getting and maintaining a relationship with you through Jesus Christ is a lifelong journey. I will mess up along the way, but if I stay the course, I’m still on the right path.

Along the way to finding out more about you, I found out more about me. As much as I love you, I still fall short but you knew I wasn’t going to be perfect, that’s why you sent your son to be my ransom; to take all my sins and carry them to the cross.

As much as I want to do everything you want me to do, my faith is lacking in so many areas. That’s why you sent Jesus, as a man, to show me the importance of prayer and obedience. In his humanity Jesus didn’t want to go to the cross, but out of obedience to you, he went anyway.

I want to be bold and courageous in the things you have purposed for me to do but I allow the things of my past to interfere with my future. That’s why you sent your son to be the atonement for your forgiveness for me, one time for all time. Now, I need to forgive myself the way you forgive me.

On this Good Friday I look at the cross that Jesus died on a little differently. It wasn’t something he did for everyone; it is something he did just for me. Thank you, Jesus, for dying in my place and becoming sin for me so I can have everlasting life through you. I pray and praise in Jesus name. Amen.

Scripture References:
Matthew 26:36 – 39 Romans 10:8 – 11
Romans 6:12 – 14 Hebrews 9:14 – 15
Romans 10:4 Hebrews 10:8 – 10

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