Prayer for Today


February 1, 2018

Lord, thank you for loving me so much you have marked out my path. My path includes good times and bad, times of happiness and times of sorrow. My path includes times of agreement and disagreement with other people, even people I love.

Thank you for thinking so much of me that you designed my past to give me everything I need in the way of character building, moral soundness and ethical standards. Thank you for maturing my character to the point that it can keep me where you have positioned me today and will position me in the future.

Father, thank you for calling me your child, a joint heir with your only begotten son Christ Jesus and a co-worker with you. When I am in doubt about my current situation and circumstance please remind me that your plans for me are perfect, even though I’m imperfect and I live in an imperfect world.

When my days seem hazy and uncertain, remind me that your word is my guiding light and nothing or anyone can change the plans you have for me. When fear and doubt creep into my heart and mind and paralyze me from carrying out your commands for my life, remind me that I have all authority in the earth. Because of the gift of salvation, you’ve given me, I am more than a conquer through Christ Jesus.

Hallelujah, thank you Lord God. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Scripture references:

Proverbs 10:9
John 1:12
Romans 5:3 – 5
Romans 8:16 – 17
I Corinthians 3:9
I Corinthians 15:33
Philippians 2:12 – 13

© copy written material





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