Prayer for Today




January 30, 2018

Lord please help me to see my gifts, talents and abilities as you see them. Working in my gifts, talents and abilities to further the Kingdom of God will propel me to being my authentic self. The person I was created by you to become.


Father help me to lean on you; the author, perfecter and finisher of my faith. Leaning on my own understanding will never get me to where you have called me to be nor whom you have called me to become. Help me understand the great power you placed in me at the time I accepted Jesus as my savior and was sealed by the Holy Spirit. The power that allows me to be self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.

Lord, renew my mind so that I understand that there is nothing too difficult for you to perform through me if I yield all my members to you. You are my strength and my shield. Thank you, Lord!

I pray, in Jesus’ name Amen.

Scripture references:

Romans 12:1 – 2
Ephesians 4:30
Philippians 4:11
Hebrews 12:2
I Peter 4:10

© copy written material





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