Prayer for Today

January 12, 2015

Good morning Father God! As I read your word this morning I realized that David was in a place of exile from the temple of Jerusalem. He wanted to return to the temple because in his time, the temple housed the Ark of the Covenant, which was a symbol of your presence with the people of Israel.

In verse 3 of Psalm 43, David says, “…sent forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.” And just then Lord, it hit me. I don’t have to go anywhere to seek you father, you are always with me!

You dwell in me! I don’t have to go to a special place. I am your special place! You are in me through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I have everything I need to guide me; the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is my bible, and Jesus’ truth that lives in me by his word and his spirit.

Thank you Lord for placing in me everything I need to lead a victorious life!

Scripture references:Julian's Pix 668

Psalm 42 – 43



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