Prayer for Today


John 14 27

February 14, 2017

Father God, you are the God of restoration!

I am overwhelmed by what is going on in the world. Bombings, murder of innocent people, kidnappings and violence everywhere. I find myself disheartened. Restore the hope of my salvation.

I am embroiled in the drama of what is going on in my immediate family. I find myself unhappy, joyless and looking for ways to escape, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Restore the joy of my salvation.

My family members and friends are going through so much; aging parents with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Other illnesses like cancer affecting family members. Adult children aging like three-year old’s and spouses or significant others, who want to act like their single. Then, there’s financial hardship. It wears me down! Restore the peace of my salvation.

I am angry over things not going my way. My hope and dreams not coming together the way I want. Working hard on my job but being passed over for promotions. My family doesn’t appreciate me nor my efforts to give them what they need. I feel frustrated and disenfranchised by it all. Restore the calm of my salvation.

Lord Jesus, you are my peace. You are my joy. You are my hope and you are my calmness amid all my storms. I know you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me. You are right here with me. The restoration of my hope, joy, peace and calmness are found in you. Thank you for restoration! In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalm 23                             Hebrews 13:5

Psalm 51:12

Mark 4:39

John 14:27

Ephesians 4:26


Living Above Mediocrity


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