Prayer for Today


January 12, 2017

Father, your peace, love, joy, and comfort protect me from my enemies. Some people would ask, “how is this possible?” It’s possible because your promise of peace, love, joy and comfort are all in your word and your word will never return to you void without accomplishing what you set it out to do.

Your word is Jesus and Jesus is your word; he protects me from all harm when I believe, follow and live your word. Your word is the lamp to my feet which keeps me from stumbling. Your word is the light for my path which allows me to clearly see the path you have set for me.

Your word is my fortress, in which I can hide in the times of trouble. Your word is my strong tower in which I can dwell without fear or concern. Your word brings me joy in the times of uncertainty and reminds me that no matter what things may look like now, I win in the end!

Your word is my all and all. It is everything I need, when I need it. This year, help me to utilize your word every day. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalms 18:2                       Isaiah 41:10

Psalms 27:1                        Isaiah 55:11

Psalms 119:105                 Luke 7:29

Proverbs 3:7 – 8              John 1:14

Proverbs 18:10                 Hebrews 1:1 – 4

Living Above Mediocrity

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