Prayer for Today

James 4 17

August 30, 2016

Father, you know it seems like lately, I’ve been allowing outside forces; other people, situations and circumstance to dictate my attitude, my focus and how I portrait myself at work, at home, in public and even at church. It’s time to stop and bring things into correct order.

I am a child of the Highest God, which means I have dominion and authority over my environment, not the other way around. I am subject only to you, Father. No one nor nothing else is greater than me. Therefore, nothing and no one can dictate my attitude nor my forward progress towards the destiny you have prepared for me.

No one nor anything can make me act out of character. If I choose to act like my old sinful self, it’s my choice, not the one of someone else. Therefore, I must take responsibility for my actions and for the follow out of my actions. I have to mature to a point that I don’t blame others for what I’ve done nor the decisions I made.

Help me Father to stay true to the new me You have called me to. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture references:

Proverbs 28:13

I Corinthians 13:11

II Corinthians 5:10

Galatians 6:5

James 4:17

(c) Copy written material



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