February 6, 2015
Father God, I know your word says that you have plans for me. Plans to do me good and give me hope and a future. But, if I’m being honest, some days I don’t like how your plans are working.
I look around and see people losing everything. I see murder and mayhem all over the land. I see heartache and hardship and wonder, “Is this really God’s plan?”
I see good people losing homes, money, jobs, etc. while the unrighteous still prosper and look for additional ways to oppress the less fortunate. Forgive me, but is this really a plan for my good? I feel like David when he said ‘“Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in the time of trouble?”’
In spite of all these things, I will trust in your unfailing love. I know that in the right season, if I don’t give up, you will bless your children with everything that is rightfully ours. Therefore, I will not weaver in my trust in you but I will stand firm and see your deliverance.
Thank you for being the kind of God I can be honest with in the times of my uncertainty, weakness or momentary despair. I will wait for you. I will be of good courage and I will allow your word to strengthen my heart. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Jeremiah 29:11
Psalm 10:1 – 2
Psalm 13:5
Psalm 27:14