Prayer for Today

Psalm 73 24


August 9, 2016

Father, Your Word says I should seek Your counsel first, but seeking Your counsel takes so much time. Seeking Your counsel means I have to stop what I’m doing, read Your Word, think about what You’re saying to me and then I have to internalize it. Lord seeking Your counsel takes effort and time.

The world system is constantly giving me its counsel and I don’t have to ask for it. I don’t have to stop what I’m doing; I can just watch TV, listen to the radio or read books that have nothing to do with my relationship with You. The world system keeps pouring its counsel into my ears. It may not be good counsel but they just keep it coming!

I’ve come to the realize that the world system does not have my best interest at heart. I need Your counsel and the input from other people who operate in Godly wisdom because I’m tired of making decisions that don’t give me what I want.

Lord God, I’m ready to make the effort to listen to Your counsel. I know that listening to You and those who operate in Your wisdom will propel me forward so I can make good decisions and become who You have purposed me to be from the beginning of time. Father God, help me! In Jesus name I pray and say, amen.

Scripture References:

I King 22:5                         Matthew 7:13

Psalm 73:24                       Mark 1:35

Proverb 8:14                     Hebrews 4:11 – 16

Proverb 12:15

Proverb 15:22


© Copy written material



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