July 7, 2016
Father, there is something terribly wrong with our nation. Young African-American’s are being killed like it’s open season on their lives. They are being murdered by each other, law enforcement officers and the system that acquits the law enforcement officers who commit these heinous crimes but incarcerates other people for the same type, or lesser, crimes.
Father, we continue to pray for the families of Jamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and now Alton Sterling. These are the names of just a few people who have been killed by law enforcement over the past few years.
There are countless other names of people who have been killed by gang members, through acts of violence, including domestic violence, and law enforcement officers that didn’t made national headlines. Lord, we are in need of Your love, Your mercy and Your grace in our nation!
Lord, I want to link hearts and minds with other people who want to bring an end to this needless loss of life. No matter their race, creed, color, social-economic standing or religious affiliation, if they want to change our current murderous environment, I want to join with them to bring in Your peace, Your joy, Your contentment, Your compassion and Your inclusiveness.
Lord, I’m going to press my house of worship to go into the community and show love by feeding the hungry, clothing the needy and providing job skills for people who are unemployed or under-employed. If my house of worship won’t join me in this quest, I’ll find one that does.
Lord, strengthen those of us who love You, and love mankind, to take on this task. We know You are the answer, but we’re the tools You need to use to get Your work done in the earth. Help us Lord! In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Proverbs 21:13
Micah 6:8
Matthew 25:37 – 40
John 13:35
James 1:26 – 27
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